Substitute teachers play a vital role in Hawai‘i’s public schools, stepping in to ensure students continue learning when their regular teachers are absent. Whether you’re covering for a day or taking on longer assignments, substitute teaching is a rewarding way to make a difference in students’ lives while maintaining a flexible schedule.
A passing score is 80% or higher. All substitute teacher recertifications are valid for five years.
Additional Professional Development (optional)
Substitute teachers who would like to take additional professional development courses, may do so through The Master Teacher at:
Post-Retirement Employment
The State of Hawaiʻi Employees’ Retirement System (ERS) is a qualified retirement plan under Section 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code (Code). Generally, the code prohibits the distribution of retirement benefits prior to an employee’s retirement. To help clarify when a retiree may be reemployed without suspension of benefits, a state law was passed in 2010.
A retiree can be employed into a casual position if the retiree has had a six-consecutive-calendar-month break (from their official retirement date), without being employed by any state or county agency. Casual employment includes all certificated and classified casual jobs, including all substitute employment, coaching, 89-day hires and temporary contract employees.
A retiree can be employed in a contracted position identified as a labor shortage or difficult-to-fill position if the retiree has had a 12-consecutive-calendar-month break (from their official retirement date), without being employed by any state or county agency.
A retiree can be employed as a teacher or administrator in a teacher shortage area identified by the Department or in a charter school or as a mentor for a new classroom teacher if the retiree has had a 12-consecutive-calendar-month break (from their official retirement date).
Note: The law prohibits the re-employment of a retiree if prior agreements were made to rehire the retiree prior to their retirement. Violators may have to:
- Reimburse all pension benefits received during the period or periods of rehire (plus interest).
- Pay any retirement system contribution (plus interest) that would have otherwise have been paid during the period or periods of rehire.
- Be liable to pay all administrative expenses incurred in addressing the situation if the retiree is found to be at fault.
SmartFindExpress System
The Department use the SmartFindExpress System for schools to report, update and/or cancel teacher absences, with automatic notifications of substitute work opportunities. The system can be accessed at:
- Ph: 1-877-403-2511
- En línea: PowerSchool
- Input your 8-digit Employee ID number, which is located on your Notification of Personnel Action (SF5 A1).
- Input your existing PIN/Password from the old TSEAS registration system.
District Office Contacts
The principal is the immediate supervisor for substitute teachers at a school. Human Resources Regional Officers (listed below) have overall jurisdiction over substitute teachers. If you have a dispute that cannot be resolved at the school level or if you have questions or concerns about your employment, contact the appropriate office below:
75 Aupuni St., #203,
Hilo, HI 96720
Ph: 808-974-6605
54 South High St., 4th Floor,
Wailuku, Hawái 96793
Ph: 808-243-1301
3060 Eiwa St., #301,
Lihue, Hawái 96766
Ph: 808-274-3506
4967 Kilauea Ave.,
Honolulu, Hawái 96816
Ph: 808-784-6660
1122 Mapunapuna St., Ste. 200,
Honolulu, Hawái 96819
Ph: 808-307-3939
601 Kamokila Blvd., #418,
Kapolei, Hawái 96707
Ph: 808-692-8007
46-169 Kamehameha Highway,
Kaneohe, Hawái 96744
Ph: 808-784-5920