The Department’s subject matter standards are used to ensure students are being exposed to rigorous and age-appropriate benchmarks of learning. Normas are not curriculum, but expectations of what students should know and be able to do at each grade level. Visit the Department’s Sitio de diseño de aprendizaje to learn more about curriculum design aligned to standards.
Current core Normas

Career and Technical Education (CTE) – Hawaiʻi Content and Performance Normas III
Computer Science – CSTA K-12 Computer Science Normas
- Lea el Normas
Lengua y literatura inglesas: Common Core de Hawái
- Read the current Normas for Año escolar 2024-2025.
- Revised Hawai’i Common Core Normas for English Language Arts (Google Doc) (Newly revised and approved standards to be fully implemented in the 2025-26 school year).
Fine Arts – National Core Arts Normas
Health Education – National Health Education Normas: Achieving Excellence (NHES)
Matemáticas – Estándares básicos comunes de Hawái
Physical Education – Hawaiʻi Content and Performance Normas III
Science – Next Generation Science Normas (NGSS)
- Lea el Normas
- Guías para padres sobre NGSS:
Social Studies – Hawaiʻi Core Normas for Social Studies (HCSSS)
Cursos electivos de estudios sociales en la escuela secundaria:
World Languages – Hawaiʻi World-Readiness Normas for Learning Languages
El Programa de Idiomas del Mundo del Departamento consiste en instrucción en 11 idiomas, incluyendo lenguaje de señas americano, chino (cantonés y mandarín), francés, alemán, hawaiano, ilokano, japonés, coreano, ruso, samoano o español, en los niveles de escuela primaria y secundaria.