
Ka 'Oihana Ho'ona'auao o ke Aupuni 夏威夷


The Department’s subject matter standards are used to ensure students are being exposed to rigorous and age-appropriate benchmarks of learning. 標準 are not curriculum, but expectations of what students should know and be able to do at each grade level. Visit the Department’s 學習設計網站 to learn more about curriculum design aligned to standards.

Current core 標準

Three students in a computer lab on computers

Career and Technical Education (CTE) – Hawaiʻi Content and Performance 標準 III

Computer Science – CSTA K-12 Computer Science 標準

英語語言藝術 - 夏威夷共同核心標準

Fine Arts – National Core Arts 標準

Health Education – National Health Education 標準: Achieving Excellence (NHES)

數學 - 夏威夷共同核心標準

Physical Education – Hawaiʻi Content and Performance 標準 III

Science – Next Generation Science 標準 (NGSS)

Social Studies – Hawaiʻi Core 標準 for Social Studies (HCSSS)




World Languages – Hawaiʻi World-Readiness 標準 for Learning Languages

該部門的世界語言計畫包括小學和中學階段 11 種語言的教學,包括美國手語、中文(粵語和普通話)、法語、德語、夏威夷語、伊洛卡諾語、日語、韓語、俄語、薩摩亞語和西班牙語。

Financial Literacy Draft standards