Our Data Governance and Analysis Branch is responsible for reviewing and processing research and data requests for those looking to conduct research on the Hawaiʻi State Department of Education. Under BOE Policy 500-21, sharing of student information, student opinions, statistical data and confidential records requires prior approval from the Hawai’i State Department of Education.
We require all research projects to be approved by the superintendent or designee, per Board of Education policy. The Overview of HIDOE Research Application Process (PDF) outlines the application process. For more information, please 电子邮件 the Data Governance and Analysis Branch (DGA).
application process
Before conducting research or requesting data from the Department, individuals must follow a structured process to ensure compliance with data privacy policies and department regulations. The process varies depending on the type of research or data request. Each of these steps has specific requirements, forms, and review processes to ensure that all research and data requests align with HIDOE policies.
Get Basic Approval
If you already have an existing agreement with HIDOE to conduct certain research or data collection activities through a means other than the research application, it may be necessary for DGA to review consent or assent forms before research activities. There are two ways to get approval:
- A compiled list of Publicly Available HIDOE Reports (PDF) or data resources that are available for public access and use.
- 这 Research Coursework Form (PDF) option is allowable with certain conditions (see more details in the form).
Review Data Sharing Agreements
Projects with HIDOE support at the school, complex, complex area, or state level may qualify for a data-sharing agreement, bypassing the research approval process (faster timeline).
Before initiating a data sharing agreement, review Publicly Available HIDOE Reports (PDF) or data types available. In certain limited circumstances, it is appropriate for HIDOE staff, school personnel, or data systems to provide the data directly to you. Generally, requests for data are completed by DGA. Data delivery methods are through CSV files. HIDOE approval is required before data may be shared. HIDOE generally uses a data sharing agreement for these types of requests.
联系 数据治理与分析部门 (DGA) for further information on data sharing agreements.
Data Requests
De-identified Student Data from Education Records
To appropriately direct your request for de-identified student data, please complete the Data Request Form (Excel). You will be directed to the appropriate contact office. DGA retains the right to approve or refuse all requests.
Youth Risk Behavior Survey Data
If you are interested in Hawaiʻi’s Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) data, you should first review the large collection of reports on the Hawaiʻi Health Data Warehouse. In addition, a large compiled data set is available on the CDC website that contains all of the standard questions that can be used for national comparison. If you require raw YRBS data for the state or specific “state-added questions,” you should contact the Hawaiʻi Department of Health for more information on how to request YRBS Health Indicators. View the YRBS Data Request Form (Excel).
Research Applications
- Under BOE Policy 500-21 Student Information and Confidential Records (PDF), prior approval from HIDOE is mandatory before sharing any student information, opinions or statistical data. Research applications must be submitted through the process below. Please review the following information for details:
- Overview of HIDOE Research Application Process (PDF)
- Application for Proposed Research Projects (PDF) *for an alternate version, please contact the Data Governance and Analysis Branch at (808) 784-6061. This version of the research application must be used. The Research Committee will only review the most recent version of your research application.
- Research Review Committee Meeting Schedule 2024-25 (PDF)
Additional Forms that may be required or useful for your application
- Data Request Form (Excel)
- Data Request Form Template SY23-24 (Excel)
- Administrator Consent for Research Form (PDF)
- Adult Participant Consent Form Guidance and Checklist (PDF)
- Student Assent Form Guidance and Checklist (PDF)
- Parent/Guardian Consent Form Guidance and Checklist (PDF)
- Affirmation Form for Observations Conducted in the HIDOE (PDF)
- Researchers are encouraged to consult resources from other state and national organizations to ensure their research methods align with best practices. Notably, the Privacy Technical Assistance Center offers a toolkit to guide users of Department data on student information privacy and data destruction.
- HIDOE Research Coursework Form (PDF)
- HIDOE Research Review Schedule 2024-25 (PDF)
If you have any questions about the process or the status of current requests/applications, please 电子邮件 the Data Governance and Analysis Branch.

数据治理与分析部门 (DGA)