Building and maintaining the Hawaiʻi State Department of Education’s (HIDOE) identity requires a consistent approach to the use of brand concepts and design across our system. These guidelines are meant to provide guidance and identification of the Department’s brand on all published and online media. It covers appropriate usage of the HIDOE logo and signature to maintain its authenticity and integrity. It does not cover guidelines for Hawaiʻi’s public school logos. For school logos and their associated remarks, contact the 커뮤니케이션 브랜치.
To avoid confusion between the state of Hawaiʻi, island of Hawaiʻi and federal Department of Education, use the full name first for reference — Hawaiʻi State Department of Education. Include its acronym, HIDOE, in parentheses if it will be used later in text. In subsequent references, use HIDOE or the Department.
The Department’s logo includes the islands of the state of Hawaiʻi and an open book. The main logo has a golden inner circle, lettering and outer ring. The Hawaiian islands are green. We also offer a black and white version. Use your discretion which version of the logo is appropriate for your layout. The logos are provided to HIDOE schools and staff for usage (employee login required).
Use and Restrictions
The logo may be used alone or in conjunction with text. The logo may not:
- Be stretched, distorted or rotated.
- Have any altered artwork, colors or fonts within the logo.
- Be in a box or frame or used over a complex background.
- Have type or graphics run over it.
- Include drop shadows or other filters.
- Have an altered orientation, drop shadow or outline.
- Be smaller than 5/8 inch on publications.
- Enlarged to a size that compromises graphic integrity.
Allow for space around the logo as much as possible which helps it to appear clean and uncluttered. Do not wrap text around the logo but text may be included below or beside the logo with appropriate space.
연락처 커뮤니케이션 브랜치 for assistance.
Use of the Hawaiʻi State Department of Education logo is for HIDOE business purposes only. The logo should not be used in any way likely to give the impression of official Department approval or affiliation with any non-HIDOE business, product or activity.
Submit requests for external use of the logo and any questions regarding proper use to the Hawaiʻi State Department of Education, Attention: Communications Branch, P.O. Box 2360, Honolulu, HI 96804 or 이메일. 다음 정보를 제공해 주세요:
- 사용할 로고입니다.
- 로고가 어떻게 사용될 것인가.
- 로고가 사용될 제품의 대상 고객과 유통업체.
- 해당 부서와 조직 또는 이벤트의 관계.
The description and use of the great seal of the State of Hawaiʻi or the coat-of-arms of the State is restricted by law and governed by Section 5-6, Hawai‘i Revised Statutes.
§5-6 Seal; commercial use. Whoever uses any representation of the great seal or the coat of arms of the State in any advertisement or for any commercial purpose or in any manner likely to give the impression of official State approval shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The preceding sentence shall not be construed to apply to the use of the seal or the coat of arms in any newspaper, periodical, book or pamphlet wherein the seal or coat of arms is printed for informational purposes only. [L 1967, c 86, §1; HRS §5-6]