하와이주 교육부

Ka `Oihana Ho`ona`auao o ke Aupuni 하와이

허가받은 사립 무역, 직업 및 기술 학교

The following is a list of schools currently licensed with the Hawaiʻi State Department of Education (HIDOE). If you are the owner of a private vocational school and would like to be licensed by HIDOE, please email [email protected] or call 808-305-9764.

Schools by trade (2023-25)


Quantum School of Massage and Holistic Health
University Plaza
931 University Ave., #202
Honolulu, HI 96826
Ph: 808-373-0603
웹사이트: www.QSMHH.School
License Number: 2325-1034
Principal: Steve McLaughlin
Trade/Vocations include: Massage Therapy Diploma, Holistic Health Practitioner, Nutritional Healing Consultant, Sound Healing Certification Massage

Barber Styling


Hawaiʻi Institute of Hair Design 
1128 Nuuanu Ave., Ste. 102
호놀룰루, HI 96817
Ph: 808-533-6596
Fax: 808-523-8086
웹사이트: www.hihdhawaii.com
License Number: 2325-1031
Principal: Margaret Williams


IBS School of Cosmetology and Massage
110 Kaahumanu Ave., Ste. 201
카훌루이, 하와이 96732
Ph: 808-214-5293
Fax: 808-214-5823
주요한: Lauanda Kobatake
License Number: 2325-1026
Trade/Vocations include: Massage Therapy

Computer Therapy

Applied Computer Training
98-030 Hekaha St., Ste. 29
Aiea, HI 96701
Ph: 808-486-7330
Fax: 808-486-2053
웹사이트: www.actthawaii.com
License Number: 2325-1027
Principal: Chad Kobashigawa

Helicopter Pilot Instruction

Hawaii Pacific Aviation, Inc.
73-310 U’u St.,
Kailua-Kona, HI 96819
Ph: 808-334-0234
Fax: 808-334-0191
웹사이트: www.maunaloahelicopters.com
License Number: 2325-1035
Company: DBA Mauna Loa Helicopters

Holistic Health and Naturopathy


Quantum School of Massage and Holistic Health
University Plaza
931 University Ave., #202
Honolulu, HI 96826
Phone: 808-373-0603
웹사이트: www.QSMHH.School
License Number: 2325-1034
Principal: Steve McLaughlin
Trade/Vocations include: Massage Therapy Diploma, Nutritional Healing Consultant, Sound Healing Certification


Natural Healing Institute of Naturopathy
​885 Pulehuiki Rd.,
Kula, HI 96790
Phone: 808-943-8485
웹사이트: www.nhicollege.net/
License Number: ​2325-1037
Principal: Steve Schechter
Trade/Vocations include: Holistic Health Practitioner, Nutritional Healing Consultant, Sound Healing Certification

Massage Therapy


Elite Massage Academy
1314 S. King St., Ste. 601
호놀룰루, 하와이 96814
Ph: 808-596-7354 or 808-596-4633
Fax: 808-593-8282
이메일: 이메일
웹사이트: www.aisenshiatsu.com
License Number: 2325-1019
Principal: Brian Matsudo

First Massage School and Clinic
94-370 Pupupani St.
와이파후, 하와이 96797
Ph: 808-375-7113
License Number: 2325-1038
Principal: Aileen Bachiller

Hawaii Healing Arts College
407 Uluniu St., Ste. 204
카일루아, 하와이 96734
Ph: 808-266-2469
Fax: 808-266-2460
웹사이트: www.hhacdirect.com
License Number: 2325-1020
Principal: Shinya Matsukubo

Hawaii Massage Academy
1750 Kalakaua Ave., Ste. 3104
Honolulu, HI 96826
Ph: 808-955-4555
Fax: 808-955-9705
웹사이트: www.hawaiimassageacademy.com
License Number: 2325-1033
Principal: Junji Fukumoto

Institute of Clinical Acupuncture
and Oriental Medicine
100 N. Beretania St., Room 203
호놀룰루, HI 96817
Ph: 808-521-2288
웹사이트: www.orientalmedicine.edu
License Number: 2325-1032
Principal: Wai Hoa Low

Lomino Hawaii Massage School
334 Seaside Ave., Ste. 817
Honolulu, HI 96815
Ph: 808-469-6266
웹사이트: www.lominoschool.com
Principal: Shingo Sawada 
License Number: 2325-1023
Trade/Vocations include: Lomilomi Massage, Swedish, Shiatsu, Seitai, Thai Massage, Reflexology, Hot Stone

Quantum School of Massage and Holistic Health
University Plaza
931 University Ave., #202
Honolulu, HI 96826
Ph: 808-373-0603
웹사이트: www.QSMHH.School
License Number: 2325-1034
Principal: Steve McLaughlin
Trade/Vocations include: Holistic Health Practitioner, Nutritional Healing Consultant, Sound Healing Certification Massage & Acupuncture CEU courses


Pacific Center for Awareness and Bodywork
​P.O. Box 1049
Kilauea, HI 96754
Ph: 844-687-7222
웹사이트: www.awarenessandbodywork.com
License Number: ​2325-1028
Principal: Alison Lindsey Fields


IBS School of Cosmetology and Massage
110 Kaahumanu Ave., Ste. 201
카훌루이, 하와이 96732
Ph: 808-214-5293
Fax: 808-214-5823
주요한: Lauanda Kobatake
License Number: 2325-1026
Trade/Vocations include: Barbering

Maui Academy of Healing Arts
310 Ohukai Rd., Ste. 318
Kihei, HI 96753
Ph: 808-879-4266
Fax: 808-879-4484
웹사이트: www.mahamaui.com
License Number: 2325-1022
Principal: Carmel Andrews

Maui School of Therapeutic Massage
Wailea Town Center
161 Wailea Ike Dr., Unit D102,
Kihei, HI 96753
P.O Box 1891
마카와오, 하와이 96768
Ph: 808-572-1888
Fax: 808-572-2274
웹사이트: www.massagemaui.com
License Number: 2325-1024
Principal: Christopher Obrochta


​Genesis College of Hawaii
94-449 Akoki St., Ste. 103,
와이파후, 하와이 96797
Ph: 808-848-5511
Fax: 808-671-5522
웹사이트: www.genesiscollege.edu
License Number: 2325-1036
Principal: Ronald Claxton

Shiatsu Therapy

Aisen Shiatsu School Inc.
1314 S. King St., Ste. 601
호놀룰루, 하와이 96814
Ph: 808-596-7354 or 808-596-4633
Fax: 808-593-8282
웹사이트: www.aisenshiatsu.com
License Number: 2325-1021
Principal: Fumihiko Indei

Lomino Hawaiʻi Massage School
334 Seaside Ave., Ste. 817
Honolulu, HI 96815
Ph: 808-469-6266
웹사이트: www.lominoschool.com
Principal: Shingo Sawada 
License Number: 2325-1023
Trade/Vocations include: Massage Therapy, Lomilomi Massage, Swedish, Seitai, Thai Massage, Reflexology, Hot Stone

Closed Schools & Transcript requests

To request transcripts, please submit a Transcript Request Form (Google Doc). Please allow one week for requests to be processed. If you have any questions, please email [email protected]. If you are looking for transcripts from a private K-12 school in Hawaiʻi, please email the Hawai’i Association of Independent Schools or call 808-973-1540.

Transcript requests are available for these closed schools:

  • Med-Assist School of Hawaiʻi
  • Travel Institute of the Pacific
  • Gros Bonnet Culinary Arts
  • Electronics Institute of Hawaiʻi
  • Aloha School of Massage Therapy
  • Hawaiʻi School of Professional Massage
  • Remington College (Closed in 2019)