The Weighted Student Formula (WSF) ensures that funding for public schools in Hawai‘i is distributed fairly, based on the specific needs of each school’s students. This formula allocates a set amount of money for every student enrolled, with additional funds provided for students who may need extra support, such as those who are gifted, from economically disadvantaged backgrounds, or learning English.
By using WSF, schools can make decisions about their budgets that best meet the needs of their students, whether it’s hiring staff, funding programs, or purchasing resources.
How does WSF work?
- Base funding for all schools: Every school receives a base amount of funding to operate.
- Funding per student: Schools receive additional funds based on the number of students enrolled.
- Extra funding for special needs: Schools get more funds for students with specific needs, such as:
- Gifted and Talented students
- Economically disadvantaged students
- English language learners
- Students facing transiency
How schools use WSF
Each school principal, with input from the School Community Council, creates an annual Financial Plan to decide how WSF funds are spent. This plan helps schools meet their academic goals while supporting basic operations. Parents and community members are encouraged to participate in this process by joining their local School Community Council.
Relevant documents available for the most current fiscal year:
- FY2025-26 Projected Demographics for Financial Plans
- FY2025-26 Allocation Calculation for Financial Plans
- FY2025-26 Details of Weighting Factors for Financial Plans
How enrollment affects funding
School funding through WSF is adjusted throughout the year based on actual student enrollment:
- First adjustment: Made after the official enrollment count at the start of the school year.
- Second and third adjustments: Made after the first quarter and the start of the second semester, if student enrollment increases.
Relevant documents available for the most current fiscal year:
- January 2025 (2nd Semester) Adjustment
- October 2024 (2nd Quarter) Adjustment
- FY2024-25 OEC Allocation Calculation
- FY2024-25 OEC Details of Weighting Factors
- FY2024-25 OEC Official Demographics
Special education funding
Starting in the 2020-21 school year, a similar formula is used to fund special education. Known as the Special Education Per Pupil Allocation (SPPA), it ensures that schools receive adequate resources to support students with special needs. Like the WSF, funding is based on student characteristics, with schools receiving extra support based on specific student disabilities.
- Base funding for each school to cover the approximate cost of one 10 month teacher position.
- Use of select student characteristics as 0.1 weights:
- Specific Learning Disabled
- Other Health Disabled
- Speech or Language Disabled
- Per-pupil funding begins with the fifth student.
- Of the balance:
- 90% allocated to schools based on headcount
- 10% allocated to schools at the discretion of the complex area superintendent
Who oversees WSF?
The Committee on Weights is responsible for reviewing and adjusting the formula to ensure it reflects the current needs of students. The Board of Education determines the composition of the Committee on Weights based on a recommendation by the superintendent and the dean of the College of Education at the University of Hawai‘i. The Committee on Weights was established by Buhat 51 and Act 221, passed during the 2004 Legislative Session.
The primary functions of the Committee on Weights are to determine: which operating funds should be placed in a single allocation based on student characteristics; the student characteristics used to allocate funds to schools; the amount of “weight” (or amount of the characteristic on the cost of education) for each characteristic; and specific units for each characteristic.
Get Involved: Parents and community members are encouraged to be part of the conversation! Join your local School Community Council and help shape how funds are used in your school.
Committee on Weights XIII
COW XIII met during the summer of 2023. Meeting agendas, minutes and meeting materials are available below: