
Ka 'Oihana Ho'ona'auao o ke Aupuni 夏威夷

策略計畫更新:2016 年 11 月 22 日


非常感謝!最終計劃將於 11 月 30 日發布

Your input has been crucial as our our leadership teams come together to reflect on lessons learned over the past four years, and the We value all of the community input into our DOE/BOE Strategic Plan Update and Extension. We had nearly 4,000 views and downloads of the draft Strategic Plan, and are grateful for everyone’s commitment to high-quality education. 

我們審查了戰略計劃草案公開審查期間利益相關者提出的數百條評論,並在修改和最終確定未來三年指導我們的計劃時考慮了所有意見。線上調查結果摘要已發佈在我們的 戰略計劃 page. We have also used this period to ensure alignment between the Strategic Plan and the draft Governor’s Blueprint for Education. This Blueprint provides a long-term vision for public education in Hawaii from preschool through the university system. 

修訂後的策略計畫文件將於 11 月 30 日發佈在 京東方網站 以及 DOE 戰略計劃網頁。歡迎您親自參加 BOE 會議或 收聽直播 12 月 6 日下午 1:30,教育委員會將就戰略計劃的通過進行投票。
