Career and Technical Education (CTE) affords opportunities to all students interested in acquiring the academic, technical and employability skills necessary to succeed in post-high school education and/or high-demand careers. We envision a sustainable future in which Hawaiʻi graduates can live and thrive in Hawai‘i by being prepared to succeed in high-skill, high-wage and high-demand occupations.
The mission of CTE is to serve our schools and the greater community by designing quality CTE programs that meet the needs of Hawaiʻi’s labor workforce—inclusive of new pathways and programs of study, industry standards, work-based learning, industry recognized certifications, dual credit opportunities and professional development—as well as to ensure equity of access, and increase participation rates and successful outcomes.
Career Pathways
CTE background
The impetus for expanding the CTE Career Pathways was directly related to:
- The passage of Perkins V, which provided clearer language on CTE course rigor and alignment of secondary and post-secondary education with the workforce.
- Findings from a prior CTE course inventory that found only 44 of 77 courses utilized industry standards.
- Uncertainty over whether CTE offerings were vertically aligned with post-high school education and fully aligned with Hawai’i economic and workforce priorities.
An alignment study utilized state economic and workforce data to determine high-skill, high-wage and high-demand occupations for Hawai’i along with the stateʻs economic priorities and initiatives. The results were used to inform the selection of CTE programs to meet the needs of the alignment study. This led to the expansion from six CTE Career Pathways to 13 and the redesign of the CTE programs of study.
The redesigned Career Pathways include:
- Revision of courses, program of study industry course standards, and recommended benchmark student learning activities to support deeper learning and the acquisition of academic, technical and employability skills.
- A robust approach to work-based learning (WBL) consisting of embedded WBL benchmark activities that are aligned to standards and a capstone WBL course for each program of study.
Refer to the CTE Pathway Rollout Timeline (PDF) for more information on the rollout.
Pathway Goals
Common Questions
When should Career Pathways be used?
Career Pathways provide an ideal organizing tool at all educational levels—kindergarten through college—to guide career exploration and planning activities, focus teaching and learning, and connect education with relevant, real-world activities.
How can Career Pathways be used?
The Career Pathways are a tool for career awareness, exploration, preparation and training for all students K-12. Introducing students to broad career pathways, and the numerous career clusters and occupations within, expands their career possibilities. Older students may also find the interest inventory test (RIASEC (PDF)) helpful in exploring Career Pathway options.
At the secondary and post-secondary levels, Career Pathways provide industry standards that meet business and industry requirements.
Pathways and Programs of Study by District and School (Google Sheet)
Students may attain mastery of all specific Career Pathway course standards by completing a Program of Study, which spans four years at the high school level. Programs of Study are designed to:
- Integrate academic standards, career and workplace skills, and specific business and industry validated standards;
- Incorporate work-based learning, industry recognized credentials, and early post-high school opportunities where feasible and appropriate; and
- Prepare students for further education and/or employment.
Programs of Study
Hawaiʻi State Department of Education has 13 Career Pathways and Programs of Study:
Cultural Arts, Media, and Entertainment
- Digital Design
- Fashion and Artisan Design
- Film and Media Production
Business Management, Finance, and Marketing
- Business Management
- Entrepreneurship
- Financial Management
- Marketing Management
- Supply Chain and Logistics Technology
Health Services
- Public Health Services
- Diagnostic Services
- Emergency Medical Services
- Human Performance Therapeutic Services
- Nursing Services
Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
- Animal Systems, Food Systems
- Natural Resources Business
- Natural Resources Management
- Learning Support Professionals (LSP)
- Teaching As a Profession (TAP)
Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation
- Culinary Arts
- Sustainable Hospitality and Tourism Management
Law and Public Safety
- Law Enforcement Services
- Fire and Emergency Services (FES)
- Pre-Law
Information Technology and Digital Transformation
- Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Programming
- Networking
- Cybersecurity (Cyber)
- Web Design and Development (WDD)
Building and Construction
- Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing (MEP) Systems
- Residential and Commercial Construction
Advanced Manufacturing
- Automation and Robotics Technology Electro-Mechanical Technology
- Welding
- Alternative Fuels Technology
- Power Grid Technology
- Renewable Energies Technology
Architectural Design and Engineering
- Architectural Design (AD)
- Engineering Technology
Transportation Service
- Automotive Maintenance and Light Repair (MLR)
- Automotive Collision Repair
- Aviation Maintenance Technology
- Marine Maintenance Technology
Honors Recognition Certificate Requirements
In addition to meeting the requirements for the Hawaiʻi high school diploma, a student must meet the following requirements with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 and above:
- Complete a two-course sequence in an approved CTE Program or Program of Study.
- Earn a B or better in each course of the two-course sequence.
- Meet or exceed proficiency on a Performance-Based Assessment for the corresponding Program or Program of Study.
The CTE Performance-Based Assessments (PBAs) evaluate students’ abilities to apply the academic and technical skills and knowledge they have learned in their CTE Programs of Study. The PBA is conducted by a school or by a school district. The PBA includes three components:
- Technical writing.
- Oral presentation.
- Performance assessment.
Pathway Advisory Councils
Pathway Advisory Council (PAC) members advise the Department on the skills, knowledge, tools, technology and tasks needed in today’s careers. The PAC objectives are to:
- Provide industry-specific expertise to inform student technical skills learning in CTE programs of study and the associated industry standards.
- Create linkages between industry, high school and post-high school education.
- Enhance the industry and technical skills experiences of CTE educators.
- Provide collaborative opportunities for input and consultation.
Career and Technical Student Organizations

Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs) are an integral component of CTE classroom curriculum and instruction. They develop employability and career skills by engaging students in applied learning experiences.
CTSOs enhance learning by providing opportunities for contextual instruction, leadership and personal development, and real world application. Through activities, programs and competitive events, CTSOs help guide students in selecting a career path or program of study, and provide opportunities to gain the skills and abilities needed to be successful in those careers. In addition, students have opportunities to hold leadership positions at the local, state and national levels and attend leadership development conferences to network with other students and business and industry partners.
The Hawaiʻi State Department of Education currently has five CTSOs:
- Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA)
- FFA (formerly known as Future Farmers of America)
- HOSA — Future Health Professionals
- SkillsUSA
Annual Notice
Prior to the beginning of each school year, each high school offering a CTE program must advise students, parents, employees and the general public that all vocational opportunities will be offered without regard to race, color, national origin, sex or handicap. This Annual Notice (PDF) is translated into 14 different languages.
CTE-Related Resources
The following are relevant to CTE implementation:
RIASEC Test for Career Pathways
RIASEC codes are a way of classifying people according to their interests so that they can be matched with appropriate careers. The system was developed by Dr. John L. Holland, an academic psychologist. Dr. Holland’s theory proposes that there are six broad areas into which all careers can be classified. These same six areas can be used to describe people, their personalities and interests. For instance, “Building” careers are those that involve working with tools or machinery (e.g., carpenter, mechanic or airline pilot). People with building interests typically like working with their hands and creating a tangible product.
Schools and individuals may use the RIASEC Test (PDF) without permission from the Department, provided they are using the resource for educational purposes.
Hawai‘i Academies
Hawai‘i Academies provide systematic support to meet HIDOE’s vision and mission by expanding Smaller Learning Communities (SLCs) in Hawai‘i to prepare all students for college and careers. Learn more about member schools and the career academy themes they are designed around by clicking on the header.
Hawaiʻi Career Explorer
Hawaiʻi Career Explorer is an online tool from the University of Hawai‘i Community College System that provides information on the credits, certificates and degrees that are available related to various careers.
Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (JROTC)
The Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (JROTC) is a four-year CTE elective program of instruction cost-shared by the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps. Two consecutive JROTC courses fulfill the CTE two-credit requirement for a high school diploma.
The curriculum is designed to teach high school students the value of citizenship, leadership, personal responsibility and teamwork, while instilling self esteem, self discipline and a sense of accomplishment. JROTC cadets earn advanced rank when enlisting into any branch of the military, and advanced opportunities for federal/military academy appointments and ROTC college scholarships. JROTC is not a military recruiting program; cadets will not incur any military obligation upon completion of the program.
JROTC is a service to our nation, in that it provides cadets the motivation and skills to improve physical fitness, remain drug free, think critically and creatively, communicate effectively, work as a team member, graduate from high school, pursue meaningful careers, and become successful citizens.
For more information, contact LTC (ret.) Edgar Rivera.